DermelVet is the name for Oha Honey’s medical grade Mānuka wound care cream for animals. The product is marketed to equine vets for a clinically proven, effective yet natural alternative to antibiotic creams. The full name, brand identity and packaging copy and design was developed by Oystercatchers NZ working closely with their product development project team.




Ensure that the logo and packaging clearly communicated the product in a vet store environment.

For vets and the horse owners the natural and clinically proven qualities would both need to shine. .


After a global competitive review the brand values and unique “pure and effective” positioning was established.

Visually we would avoid bee imagery and honeycomb shapes. The aim was to reinforce the pure product with a modern and clean design, backed by clear copy and an authoritative yet warm tone.

Logo and Packaging

The logo combines a golden Mānuka honey drop with the medical cross, communicating in a glance the product’s positioning.

The pure white, healthy horse playfully demonstrates the end result of using the salve. Clever use of icons and the pill shape, help break up the information and create a hierarchy of messaging,

In Store Display

The packaging was designed to work from different display angles, visually and for message hierarchy.

The front display communicated the brand, its function, the Mānuka grade and other secondary messages. While the flip side had a bullet point style of its core benefits for the horse,The top allowed for consistency of core messages when stacked in the retail display unit, while the ingredient listing. was on the underside.

The carton carried 12 packs and then was easily popped up into an in store display unit - a cost efficient option tp maximise in store presence.